Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Benefits and Side Effects of Wearing Heels

Women are born to be lovers of shoes, especially heels. For women, shoes are not only protecting their feet, but also a kind of decoration.
Wearing of high heels are very stylish these days, make anyone wearing confident and tall. Becoming one of the most favorite thing women adore. Below are the benefits and side effects of wearing heels.

Benefits of Wearing Heels

1. Stylish Look
High heels give a stylish look to the overall physical appearance of women.

2. To Look Tall
This is helpful for the women who love tall look. Wearing heels help to increase the
height by 5-6 inches to the maximum.
3. Add Complementary to Clothes
Heels compliment the attractiveness of the clothes.

4.Good Body Posture  
After wearing heels women get a feeling of having a good posture. Heels help to bring out and attractive body posture. It also adds to the confidence of the women while carrying her self.
5.Good looking legs
Heels help to enhance the beauty of your legs. Heels make legs look longer and shapelier.

Side-Effects of Wearing Heels

Heels and pain are sides of the same coin. Though women look lovely in heels, they have to suffer from many of its side-effects. Here is the list of bad effects of wearing heels.

1. Difficulty in walking
Many women find it difficult to walk with high heels. Walking long distance with high heels proves to be painful. Difficulty in walking may also increase chances of losing balance and falling while walking.

2. Foot  & Hip pain
Most of the women suffer from foot pain after walking with high heels
(most are hiding this secret). Because of high heels the entire pressure of body is concentrated on the feet. If this happens for a longer time it can cause foot and even hip pain.
3. Back pain
Wearing heals causes entire pressure of body fall on the lower back. This pressure falling on the lower back can cause back pain. However proper way of walking, exercise and yoga may help you avoid and get rid of such back pain.
4. Leg Sprain
Major Cases of leg sprain in women are caused due to high heels. It may be caused if the person is not used to wearing high heels. Try walking slowly and with extra care while wearing high heels. Try to avoid high heels if you are not using your own vehicle.

Tall looks and makes a complement to anyone, wearing high heels shoes is one option for looking tall compare to other. More and more women are infatuated with high heels even if it will cause them harm and feels painful. Risking your own health is not charming to anyone; women should avoid wearing high heels more frequently and choose the best footwear that they are comfortable enough to walk.
So over to you, do you think that the risk is worth taking? 

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