Thursday, 27 March 2014

Ways to Express Love to Your loved Ones

Couple show that it is easy to find love

Absence of expressing love in a relationship makes it dull or lifeless.
It’s not only about the love in a marriage or a romantic relationship, but also the love in a family and other aspects of life that matter.
The expression of love creates confidence and security in any relationship.
Love can be expressed in:
I. Spoken words (Verbal)
11. Not involving or using words(Non-verbal)
-Making love affirmations
Talk your heart out and express love in words, whenever and wherever possible. You need to reassure and affirm your love to your partner often.
Have loving conversations and talk about the good romantic times that you both have shared in the past or present.

Speak positively and praise your partner or loved one. Tell your partner how much she or he means to

you and pay compliments with genuine appreciation.

 -Saying the golden words
Every person starves to hear these magical words – I LOVE YOU (I can say I do!). They mean a whole world to some. Be open and use them often.
This expression of love is evergreen and effective – no matter how many times you say them. You use these words differently in different situations, and that is what makes them special every time.
You can say these words anywhere and at any time, but don’t make it so frequent and common that it loses its impact.
If you’re going to say it for the first time, remember there’s no special way to say it. Just be yourself and express your feelings naturally – at a comfortable place with minimum distractions.
The other person can feel your intentions, thoughts, and sincerity through your words and your voice. Speak while looking into the person’s eyes, which make the words more meaningful.

Sometimes it is not possible for you to be present face-to-face when you want to convey your feelings of love.
Since your loved one cannot look into your eyes and see your facial gestures, you need to convey all your feelings through your words.
You will have to express love through your voice, when you talk on the phone, make it as effective as possible.
Speak slowly with confidence and conviction.
Emphasize on the words that you strongly feel about, and give time for the other person to register and appreciate your words, and understand the feelings behind them.
You can call frequently during the day and directly tell your loved one how much you love or miss him or her.


-Giving gifts
Giving gifts is what everybody likes to do as this way of expressing love turns out to be quicker and easier.

It is best to know the preference and choice of your loved one before you set out to buy your gift. Since this is your token of love, you need to present it in a beautiful manner.
It’s not necessary to buy expensive gifts, as love is more valuable than money. It is the intention or thought that matters more than the gift to most people.

-Going out
Take your loved one on a date to a place of his or her liking. Or you can give a surprise by going to the place where you both met on your first date.

Every person in love likes to be touched. You can use light touches to play with the fingers, stroke the hair, hold the hands, and even give a hug to express your love to your loved one.
A kiss on the cheek or forehead, and stroking the forehead with your hand shows your affection for the person.
If you feel your lover is ready for little physical closeness – a kiss on the lips is one way to express your love. However, be sure your lover is ready and willing too.
You can even let your lover know about your love through other ways like giving a romantic massage, or rubbing the back and relaxing him or her.

-Helping out
Do things that your loved one would like and feel happy about. If you’re a boy, help out your partner in the kitchen and maybe cook the meal yourself, or at least try to.
Surprise by doing things that are least expected of you. Clean the dishes, make bed tea, or prepare the breakfast for your lover and make her feel special. Do favors without asking.
If you are a girl then help him out in his work, ask him for tea or coffee, sort his things out, and don’t nag him! (I can see guys nodding here!)
Doing any unselfish act of kindness and sacrificing your personal desires to fulfill your partners need would make a deep impact and touch the heart.

-Listening to your partner
At times love is best expressed when you say or do nothing. You just let the eyes do the talking.
Give time to your loved one, and listen sincerely with all your heart and mind to whatever he or she wishes to talk about.
Show interest in what interests your loved one and respect his or her thoughts, views, and values. Listen to your partner’s problems, and give a shoulder to lean upon.
Love is all about sharing and caring. Show your affection in different and special ways doing unexpected things.
Appreciate your loved one or show affection in front of others, whisper romantic words in his or her ears, leave love notes in unexpected places, hold hands while walking, or give a surprise visit.
Show your concern and consideration when your loved one needs it. Offer to help and even go to the extents to make your partner comfortable.
Doing something for your lover’s family or parents would make a mark in your lover’s heart, and make him or her love you more.
There can be many more ways to express love to your loved ones, though I just shared a few in this post.

Which other ways do you think that love can be expressed?

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